The Off-Campus Development Environment:

  1. Download Java 1.8
  2. Depending on where you installed Java, the Connectors go in, for example "C:\Program Files\Java\jre8\lib\ext"
  3. Download Tomcat 8.0
    Install it in something like C:\Tomcat. NOT in C:\Program Files
  4. Tomcat Setup
  5. A Quick Test and some Screen Shots

  7. Building a simple webapp with jEdit
  8. Some Old NetBeans Notes
  9. The Bytes_Hex .jar and a Test
  10. Building student_types.jar

Setting Up MariaDB To Match

  1. Download MySQL
  2. Some MySQL Setup Notes
  3. The MySQLWorkbench .bat file and startscript.sql.
    (Your CLASSPATH may need to be set. Also you need to run the script.)