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How many times in your life have you said, "You know, I really should clip out these coupons, we could save a lot."  The follow-up statement is usually, "And, Ill start first thing tomorrow!"

Don't feel bad.  While the use of coupons has increased, many savvy shoppers don't use them.  Why?  They are making a rational choice NOT to use precious free-time to clip, organize, and shop (it takes more time) with coupons.  Peering into a daily family schedule of work, school, soccer practice, piano lessons, and homework (not to mention laundry and meals), it is certainly understandable.

Busy families choose to pay more (trade-off money) rather than take the time that coupons require.

Another option is to let your child take charge of coupon collection for the family.  Click below for Wise Pockets Parenting Activity: Coupons--Your Money or Your Time.


Coupons--Your Money or Your Time
