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Your Money or Your Time


Here are some tips to help your child take charge of coupon collection and use in your family.

  1. As an incentive, allow your child to keep the savings from the coupons used (or you can split the savings).
  2. The child must be responsible for clipping, organizing, and shopping with the coupons.  You may want to provide a special pair of scissors, envelopes, and a box or plastic container to help with this task.
  3. Encourage your child to match coupons with the items on your grocery list prior to going to the store.  This will minimize time spend in store aisles thumbing through coupons.
  4. Try not to let your child pressure you into purchasing items and/or brands you would not normally buy.  You might agree to try one new product each shopping trip.  Remember, savings aren't really savings if you end up throwing the product away.
  5. Save a month's worth of cash register receipts in a box.  Have your child calculate total coupon savings for a month.  You might also have your child calculate the new price of each item after a coupon is used.  You can even encourage your child to keep a record of the prices of a frequently used family product such as toothpaste -- with a coupon, without a coupon, on sale, at a discount store versus a grocery store, and so on -- to help with comparison shopping.
  6. Either on a weekly or monthly basis, pay the child the amount saved or the split amount to which you had agreed.