Decision Support Systems For Business Intelligence
    by Vicki L. Sauter

Chapter 7: Designing a Decision Support System

Figures and Tables

Figure 1: A Model of DSS Success
Figure 2: Ideal Planning
Figure 3: DSS Design Methodology
Figure 4: Interviewing Techniques Matrix
Figure 5: Card Sorting Simulation
Figure 6: Influence Diagram Symbols
Figure 7: An Influence Diagram
Figure 8: An Influence Diagram in Analytica
Figure 9: Iterative Nature of Situation Analysis
Table 1: Design Approaches
Figure 10: Set up Screen in Cognos
Table 2: Data and Data Management Concerns in Selecting a DSS Appliance
Table 3: Models and Model Management Concerns in Selecting a DSS Appliance
Table 4: User Interface Concerns in Selecting a DSS Appliance
Table 5: Connectivity Concerns in Selecting a DSS Appliance
Table 6: Hardware and Software Concerns in Selecting a DSS Appliance
Table 7: Cost Concerns in Selecting a DSS Appliance
Table 8: Vendor Concerns in Selecting a DSS Appliance
Table 9: Characteristics of Good Team Members
Table 10: Tenants of Effective Communication

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