Decision Support Systems For Business Intelligence
    by Vicki L. Sauter

Table 4: User Interface Concerns in Selecting a DSS Appliance

•           Novice and Expert Modes
•           Menus and Prompts
•           Consistent, natural language commands
•           Command Abbreviations
•           Context-sensitive Help
•           Clear, end-user oriented error messages
•           "Undo" command support
•           Meaningful identifiers
•           Documentation
•           User-defined commands
•           Context-sensitive Warnings

Support of modeling and data needs
•           Wide range of graphics support
•           Windowing support
•           Multi-tasking support
•           Support for a variety of input and output devices
•           Color and functional control over user-interface
•           Support for individuals customization

•           Quality and resolution of the output
•           Multicolor support
•           Range of output control
•           Support for dynamic graphics, video and audio enhancements
•           Basic plots and charts
•           Complex charts
•           Format and layout control
•           Spacing of graphs
•           Compatibility with available graphics devices
•           Preview ability
•           Modification ability
•           Ease of use

Reporting Formats
•           Supports a range of platforms
•           Flexibility of reporting formats
•           Standard formats
•           Ease of customization
•           Standard symbols and conventions

   This page was last modified on: 01/24/2011 19:48:31
   Page Owner: Professor Sauter (Vicki.Sauter AT