Decision Support Systems For Business Intelligence
    by Vicki L. Sauter

Table 1: Factors Influencing Success


Success Factors

Failure Factors

User Involvement

•  User involvement and interest
•  Much user involvement and user-   level application documentation
•  Lack of end-user involvement
•  User and data processing        department cooperation

•  Lack of user commitment to             
•  Local user involvement only

Management Commitment

•  Full management attention
•  Top management support

•  Insufficient management interest
•  Lack of top management      involvement in key area
•  Lack of support for required project organization

Value Basis

•  Good public reaction to DSS           
•  Value of application
•  “Second system” based on       established value of first

•  High risk

Mutual Understanding            

•  Designers understanding of user    needs

•  More attention to technical than to  user issues
•  Lack of user acceptance of       information value
•  Failure to understand the choice             

Design Quality

•  Good design
•  Flexible design

•  Nonspecific functional design       specifications
•  Inflexible design

Performance Level                


•  Poor performance
•  No performance objectives
•  Clumsy implementation of key      function

Project Management              

•  Strong project and budget control 
•  Frequent creative project meetings
•  Use of prototypes
•  Careful planning and testing
•  Good planning

•  Lack of training package
•  Excessively complex implementation approach
•  Implementation too rushed
•  Poor timing in terms of deadlines

Resource Adequacy              


•  Excessive use of computing      resources                                              
•  Inadequate or poorly used      resources
•  Project leader’s time not fully                 committed
•  Lack of resources to make system “friendly”
•  Insufficient technical skills
•  Lack of designer’s commitment
•  Bad input data

Situational Stability                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

•  Stability of user requirements

•  Departure of designer during implementation     
•  Collapse of cost justification
•  Change of rules during implementation
•  Increasing expenses        

   This page was last modified on: 01/24/2011 19:49:36
   Page Owner: Professor Sauter (Vicki.Sauter AT