
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31







Chapter 8: Aeneas in Africa

Chapter 8, Drill b: Practice using personal pronouns (including reflexive pronouns) and expressions of possession.

Each short Latin sentence has in parentheses an English pronoun or a phrase which can be translated by a Latin pronoun or possessive adjective. Provide the correct Latin pronoun or possessive adjective, using is ea id for the third person demonstrative unless there is a reason to use ille illa illud.

(them) fero. Answer: eos
(themselves) ferunt ad urbem. Answer: se: the direct object is the same as the subject, and thus the reflexive is needed here.
Horatia (him) videt. Answer: eum: since "him" can't refer to the subject and refers to someone else, eum would be correct.

1. Aeneas (himself) uertit (i.e. he turns around).
2. Aeneas labores narrat; omnes (him) audiunt.
3. (myself) paro, i.e. I get ready.
4. (ourselves, i.e. we turn around) uertimus.
5. Aeneas (himself) in aqua uidet.
6. Aeneas (himself) ducit Troianos.
(Watch out--this is tricky.)
7. pueri (themselves, i.e. wash, wash up) lavant.
8. (we) cenam paramus.
9. regina Troianos ad cenam uocat et (it) parat.
10. Aeneas narrat (his) labores.
11. regina cognoscit (his) labores.
12. Dido cenam parat (for them).
13. (yourselves, i.e. you are washing up) lauatis.
14. (you yourselves) uos lauatis.
15. in somno Aeneas (his) amicum Hectorem videt.
16. Aeneas (his, i.e. Hector's) consilium audit.
17. (Your, sing.) libri sunt magni.
18. (Our) libri tamen sunt parvi.
19. mons magnus est prope urbem; de (it) iuuenes
20. anxius sum de (my) salute.
21. (her) uideo.
22. (Our) urbem laudamus.
23. Troiani cum Aenea [abl. of Aeneas] contendunt;
(he, i.e. Aeneas) salutem petit.
24. in litore, Troiani cenam parant (for themselves).
25. (yourselves, i.e. get ready) paratis.
26. canis (himself, i.e. he turns around) uertit ad sonum uocis .
27. (us) uinum das.
28. templum est prope urbem; ex (it, i.e. the temple)
Aeneas ambulat.

Go to the previous exercise.