
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 8: Aeneas in Africa

Chapter 8, Drill a: Practice using the correct form of the relative pronoun.

For each of the following Latin sentences, replace the English pronoun in parentheses with a Latin relative pronoun.

Example: cibus, (which) cupio, est domi. Answer: quem. quem is direct object of its clause, and it is masculine singular.

1. spes, (which) Dido Troianis ostendit, eis succurrit.
2. uenti, (which) rex Aeolus emittit, Troianos uoluunt ad litus.
3. amor, (which) in regina ardet, est magnus.
4. saxa, (which) in aequore sunt, ingentia sunt.
5. Aeneas, dum fugit, respicit ad urbem
(in which) omnia ardent.
6. Aeneas uidet iuuenes, (who) per uias currunt.
7. in urbe Aeneas uidet Troianos (whose) uulnera sunt magna.
8. hostes (whom) Aeneas uidet per uias Troiae currunt.
9. res (about which) Aeneas narrat grauis est.
10. Aeneas et comites naues in portu inuenit (which)
11. picturae (which) Aeneas in muris templi uidet
describunt bellum Troianum.
12. picturae ostendunt urbem Troiam (away from which)
Aeneas et comites effugiunt.
13. Troiani, (whom) regina succurrit, Carthaginem laudant.
14. regina, (whom) Aeneas occurrit, Troianos salutat.
15. cena, (to which) Dido Troianos uocat, est magna.
16. Aeneas spectat nubes (under which) naues nauigant.
17. urbs (which) Aeneas intrat est Carthago.
18. Dido et principes, (with whom) accedit, Troianos salutant .
19. Troia, (from which) Aeneas effugit, Troianos salutant.
20. Graeci ad Troianos currunt, (whose) uulnera sunt magna.

Go to the next exercise.