Announcements -> for ....MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH.... 200 LUCUS (ETHICS)
BUSINESS ETHICS PANEL2-4-08.doc (37.5 Kb)
The Business Ethics Panel
February 4, 5:30 PM to 6:45 PM
Lucas Hall, Room 200.

Program Format
•    Welcome – Dean Keith Womer
•    Introduction – Malaika Horne  (brief bios and introduction)
•    Panel Moderator – Thomas H. Teasdale
•    Panel Discussion:  Panelists
(panel discussion should end about 6:30 PM for 15 minutes of Q & A)
•    Questions and Answers (6:30 PM to 6:45 PM)

Moderator:  Mr. Thomas H. Teasdale, T.H. Teasdale, FAIA, Architect
Panelists:     Mr. H. Rick Tinucci, senior vice president, Bick Group
                      Author Montgomery, owner, Paramount Financial, LLC
                      Mark J. Rubinelli, attorney at law
•        Introduction & Rotary's background in business ethics
•        Ethics Overview -- The world we live in.  Corporate culture, etc.
•        Employee, Employer Ethics -- Integrity, dignity, fairness, reputation & 
•        Bribery & Intimidation --  When is it ethical and when is it not?for