Announcements -> THE ART OF WAR
THE ART OF WAR-ACUTE BUSINESS AND MARKETING STRATEGY   POSSIBLY THE BEST BOOK ON BUSINESS STRATEGY EVER WRITTEN! IF YOU UNDERSTAND YOURSELF, YOUR COMPETITION AND YOUR CUSTOMER AND STAY ON TOP OF YOUR ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS.. YOU WILL.................................................................................................................. THE USE OF SPIES...MARKETING INTELLEGENCE GATHERING 1) Spies cannot be usefully employed without a certain intuitive sagacity; (2) They cannot be properly managed without benevolence and straight forwardness; (3) Without subtle ingenuity of mind, one cannot make certain of the truth of their reports; (4) Be subtle! be subtle! and use your spies for every kind of warfare; (5) If a secret piece of news is divulged by a spy before the time is ripe, he must be put to death together with the man to whom the secret was told.