Community Partnership Project • University of Missouri-St. Louis • University of Missouri Extension

Lunch and Learn, University of Missouri Extension

Bring your
lunch. Drinks
will be provided.
For more
call 516-6775.

Join us for
the CPP Brown Bag Series

The Brown Bag Series is sponsored by the Community Partnership Project at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, working in cooperation with University of Missouri Extension, and is cosponsored by the UMSL Nonprofit Management and Leadership Program. These monthly gatherings are designed for students and community members and are part of the Community Building Fellowship Program at UMSL.

April 15, 2009
Building Community through Community Gardens

March 18, 2009
Facing the Financial Crisis: Using the Media to Address Community Issues
[click here to listen]

March 4, 2009
Community-Based Food Pantries: Meeting Needs During a Financial Crisis
[click here to listen]

Nov. 12, 2008
A Comprehensive Approach to Neighborhood Revitalization

Oct. 22, 2008
Meeting the Needs of Homeless Students

Sept. 24, 2008
The Sociology of Health: Creating Healthy and Active Communities


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