Community Partnership Project • University of Missouri-St. Louis • University of Missouri Extension

Lunch and Learn, University of Missouri Extension

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Join us for a conversation about
Facing the Financial Crisis:
Using the Media to Address Community Issues

Wednesday, March 18 || 12:30-1:30 p.m.
J.C. Penney Conference Center, Room 126 || FREE parking in Lot C.
(See North Campus map)

Thousands of people in the St. Louis area are facing foreclosure this year and even more are experiencing family financial crises due to job loss, credit issues, and other factors. Resources are available to help individuals understand their financial options and prevent further crisis. What are the challenges in connecting people to resources? How is the media playing a role, and what are the benefits of using the media to address community issues?

Join us for a conversation with Dale Berenc, manager of education services for KETC Channel 9, and Debbie Irwin, Missouri Foreclosure Prevention coordinator, as they share their unique work using a media outlet in educating people and connecting them to the resources available. Tom McPhail, UMSL professor of media studies, who also serves as a media and Internet analyst for national media outlets, will lead the discussion



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  University of Missouri-St. Louis
The Brown Bag Series is sponsored by the Community Partnership Project at UMSL, working in cooperation with University of Missouri Extension, and is cosponsored by the UMSL Nonprofit Management and Leadership Program. These monthly gatherings are designed for students and community members and are part of the Community Building Fellowship Program at UMSL.  

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