Community Partnership Project • University of Missouri-St. Louis • University of Missouri Extension

Lunch and Learn, University of Missouri Extension

Bring your
lunch. Drinks
will be provided.
For more
call 516-6775.

Join us for
Meeting the Needs of Homeless Students
Wednesday, October 22 || Noon
J.C. Penney Conference Center, Room 126 || FREE parking in Lot C.
(See North Campus map)

The foreclosure and financial crisis is impacting more than just homeowners, banks, and communities. The national child advocacy group First Focus estimates that the crisis will impact 2 million children, leaving them without a home. The educational impacts of losing a home and moving can be lower academic performance and higher rates of students being held back and/or dropping out. What are school districts doing to meet the needs of homeless students?

Join us for a conversation about meeting the needs of homeless students with Vince Estrada, director of Student Services at the Maplewood Richmond Heights School District, who will share about their work creating Joe’s Place. He will be joined by Vikki Collier, homeless coordinator for the Normandy School District. The conversation will be led by Dr. Margaret Sherraden, professor in the School of Social Work at the University of Missouri–St. Louis.


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  University of Missouri-St. Louis
The Brown Bag Series is sponsored by the Community Partnership Project at UMSL, working in cooperation with University of Missouri Extension, and is cosponsored by the UMSL Nonprofit Management and Leadership Program. These monthly gatherings are designed for students and community members and are part of the Community Building Fellowship Program at UMSL.  

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