Decision Support Systems For Business Intelligence
    by Vicki L. Sauter

Table of Contents

I. Introduction to Decision Support Systems
Chapter 1: Introduction
What is a DSS?
Uses of a Decision Support System
The Book
Suggested Reading
Figures and Tables in the Chapter (View them as PowerPoint Slides)
Examples and Design Insights (View them as PowerPoint Slides)
On the Web

Chapter 2: Decision Making
Rational Decisions
    Definitions of Rationality
    Bounded Rationality and Muddling Through
The Nature of Managers
Appropriate Decision Support
    Electronic Memory
    Bias in Decision Making
    Information Processing Models
    Tracking Experience
    Virtual Experience
Group Decision Making
Intuition, Qualitative Data and Decision Making
Business Intelligence and Decision Making
    Competitive Business Intelligence
Suggested Reading
Figures and Tables in the Chapter (View them as PowerPoint Slides)
Examples and Design Insights (View them as PowerPoint Slides)
On the Web

II. DSS Components
Chapter 3: The Data Component
What are Data?
    Level of Detail
    Freedom from Bias
    Decision Relevance
    Cost Efficiency
    Appropriateness of Format
    More is Never Better!
Database Management Systems
Data Warehouses
    Data Scrubbing
    Data Adjustment
The Car Example
    Possible Criteria
    The Data Warehouse
    Information Uses
    How To
Suggested Reading
Figures and Tables in the Chapter (View them as PowerPoint Slides)
Examples and Design Insights (View them as PowerPoint Slides)
On the Web

Chapter 4: The Model Component
Models and Analytics
Options for Models
    Time Dimension
    Linearity of the Relationship
    Deterministic vs. Stochastic
    Descriptive vs. Normative
    Causality vs. Correlation
    Methodology Dimension
The Problems of Models
Data Mining
    Intelligent Agents
Model Based Management Systems
    Easy Access to Models
    Understandability of Results
    Integrating Models
    Sensitivity of a Decision
    Model Management Support Tools
The Car Example
    Brainstorming and Alternative Generation
    Flexibility Concerns
    Evaluating Alternatives
    Running External Models
Suggested Reading
Figures and Tables in the Chapter (View them as PowerPoint Slides)
Examples and Design Insights (View them as PowerPoint Slides)
On the Web

Chapter 4S: Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
Programming Reasoning
    Backward Chaining Reasoning
    Forward Chaining Reasoning
    Comparison of the Reasoning Processes
    Representing Uncertainty with Probability Theory
    Representing Uncertainty with Certainty Factors
Suggested Reading
Figures and Tables in the Chapter (View them as PowerPoint Slides)
Examples and Design Insights (View them as PowerPoint Slides)
On the Web

Chapter 5: The User Interface
Goals of the User Interface
User Interfaces
User Interface Components
    The Action Language
        Question/Anser Formats
        Command Language
        I/O Structured Formats
        Free Form Natural Language
    The Display or Presentation Language
        Visual Design Issues
        Perceived Ownership of Analyses
        Graphs and Bias
        Support for All Phases of Analysis
    The Knowledge Base
        Modes of Communication
The Car Example
Suggested Reading
Figures and Tables in the Chapter (View them as PowerPoint Slides)
Examples and Design Insights (View them as PowerPoint Slides)
On the Web

III. Issues of Design
Chapter 6: International Decision Support Systems
Multinational Decision Making
    Language and Custom Differences
Information Availability Standards
    Data Privacy
    Data Availability
    Data Flow
Characterizing Cultures
Effects of Culture on a Decision Support System
Suggested Reading
Figures and Tables in the Chapter (View them as PowerPoint Slides)
Examples and Design Insights (View them as PowerPoint Slides)
On the Web

Chapter 7: Designing a Decision Support System
How to Approach Design
    Design Methodologies
Planning for Decision Support Systems
Designing a Specific DSS
    Requirements Analysis
        Interviewing Techniques
        Other Techniques
        Influence Diagrams
        Situational Analysis
    Design Approaches
        Systems Built from Scratch
        Using Technologies to Form the Basis of the DSS
          Evaluating a DSS Appliance
          Using a DSS Appliance
    The Design Team
DSS Design and Reengineering
Suggested Reading
Figures and Tables in the Chapter (View them as PowerPoint Slides)
Examples and Design Insights (View them as PowerPoint Slides)
On the Web

Chapter 8: Object Oriented Technologies and Decision Support Systems Design
Kinds of Development Tools
    Non-Object-Oriented Tools
    Object-Oriented Tools
        Defining Objects
        Attributes and Methods
The Benefits of Object-Oriented Technologies for DSS
Suggested Reading
Figures and Tables in the Chapter (View them as PowerPoint Slides)
Examples and Design Insights
On the Web

Chapter 9: Implementation and Evaluation of Decision Support Systems
Implementation Strategy
    Ensure the system does what it is supposed to do, the way it is supposed to do it
    Keep the Solution Simple
    Develop a Satisfactory Support Base
        User Involvement
        Commitment to Change
        Managing Change
    Institutionalize the System
Implementation and System Evaluation
    Technical Appropriateness
    Overall Usefulness
    Implementation Success
        Measurement Challenges
    Organizational Appropriateness
Suggested Reading
Figures and Tables in the Chapter (View them as PowerPoint Slides)
Examples and Design Insights (View them as PowerPoint Slides)
On the Web

IV. Extensions of Decision Support Systems
Chapter 10: Executive Information Systems and Dashboards
EIS History
KPI's and Balanced Scorecards
The Dashboard as a Driver to an Executive Information System
    Design Requirements for the Dashboard
    Dashboard Appliances
Value of the Dashboard and EIS
Suggested Reading
Figures and Tables in the Chapter (View them as PowerPoint Slides)
Examples and Design Insights (View them as PowerPoint Slides)
On the Web

Chapter 11: Group Decision Support Systems
Group Decision Making
GDSS Definitions
Features of Support
    Decision Making Support
    Process Support
    GDSS and Reeingineering
Suggested Reading
Figures and Tables in the Chapter (View them as PowerPoint Slides)
Examples and Design Insights (View them as PowerPoint Slides)
On the Web

   This page was last modified on: 08/01/2012 20:33:45
   Page Owner: Professor Sauter (Vicki.Sauter AT