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"You canīt have everything you want when you want it."  This is a lesson parents usually start very early.  It may first erupt in the classic food struggles with toddlers.  "No, you canīt have candy before dinner."

Or at bedtime -- "Weīve already read five books; itīs time for you to go to sleep."  Wherever and whenever it comes up, run with it.

This is a lesson you will teach your children many times at different ages and stages.  And, it is the basis for the first commandment of wise spending:

Because you canīt have everything you want when you want it, you must make choices and give some things up.

As the famed economist and best-selling textbook author Paul Samuelson once wrote, "Even children learn in growing up that both is not an admissible answer to a choice of which one?"  To help your child understand this, click below and try Wise Pockets Parenting Activity:  Give It Up.


Give It Up

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