income sidebar

All in a Day´s Work

Look at the following list of occupations.  Have your child use a pencil and write a "1" next to the person that earns the most income in one day of work.  Ask your child to continue numbering each job until he or she has written a "12" by the person who earns the least for one day of work.  Next, ask the child to guess what a person in each of these occupations might earn for a day of work.

_____major league baseball player

_____butcher (cuts up meat to sell in a grocery store)

_____baker/cook (works in a restaurant kitchen)

_____actor/actress on TV (not a superstar)

_____the President of the U. S. (Yes, he has a job!)

_____veterinarian (a doctor for pets and animals)

_____police officer (protects your community)

_____dentist (a doctor who takes care of your teeth)

_____TV news anchor

_____barber/cosmetologist (person who cuts hair)

_____pediatrician (a doctor who takes care of children)

_____Michael Jordan (before his NBA retirement)
