
In contrast to rigid traditional software development methodologies like the waterfall method, that relies on upfront, heavily documented initial plans; the framework behind agile development allows development teams to quickly adjust to a rapidly “evolving business environment.” [i] [ii]  The agile framework established in a set of 12 principles called the “Agile Manifesto,” consolidated existing “light weight” methodologies.[iii]  The 12 principles can be summarized down to four key points.  Development teams should work in short iterations that work toward continually releasing functional software, and allow for changes in the business requirements.    Throughout those short iterations, the development team should have close and constant communication with the customer, and all team members.  Furthermore, the project should focus on empowered team members that drive to continually improve the product and the process.  Finally, the team should work at a constant pace throughout the entire process.

There are many different methodologies that follow the agile framework.  Of the most popular, are Scrum and Extreme Programming.  To have a better understanding of agile, it is important to explore the details behind the Extreme Programming and Scrum methodologies because the two methodologies closely follow the Agile framework.  Focus will be on how each methodology structures team dynamics, iterations and communications with the customer.  Finally, it is important to explore current research on Scrum and Extreme Programming.

[i] Narayanan, S H., Sivashankar, M. and Kalpana, A. M. "Requirement Management for Agile Software Development." International Journal of Systems, Algorithms & Applications 2.12 (2012): 9-12. ProQuest. Web. 15 Nov. 2013.

[ii] Hneif, M., Hock Ow, S. (2009) Review of Agile Methodologies in Software Development. International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences. Vol. 1 issue1.  1 - 8

[iii] Ambily O. A., Dr. T. Judeth Malliga. Agile Software Development an Approach to Light Weight from Heavy Weight. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 399-405

[iv] Prolinx services Inc (2012) Rerieved from



Image retrieved from[iv]