Decision Support Systems For Business Intelligence
    by Vicki L. Sauter

Chapter 4: The Model Component

Models in Action
Analytics in Practice: The Duncan Way: How Cardinals Pitchers Continue to Dominate by Exploiting Hitter Tendencies
Analytics used to avoid traffic tickets and DUI arrests
How Big Data may help Chicago round up rats
Analytics: The Art and Science of Better
Business Intelligence (BI) Isn't. Very Intelligent. Yet.
Business Intelligence Pays Dividends
Computers Can Predict Effects of HIV Policies
Crime and Redemption
Defenders of Neighborhoods
Defining Business Analytics and its Impact on Organizational Decision-Making
Disney Tackles Major Theme Park Problem: Lines
Drug Sentencing
Experts Using Computer Simulations in Delta 4 Probe
Experiment and Theory Have a New Partner: Simulation
GOOOAAL! Students Scoring With Computer Science
Going With the Flow
How a Computer Knows What Many Managers Don't
How a modlet sparked a competition for energy efficiency at Greif
Intelligent systems seek to simulate the migration processes
Less Is More in the Fight Against Terrorism
The Math of March Madness
Microsoft's Pivot Tool
Music Industry
New View of Tectonic Plates
A New Crystal Ball
The NSA Is Building the Country's Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say)
OR/MS Today
Optimize the Enterprise
A Physicist Solves the City
Police embracing tech that predicts crimes
Predictive Analytics: Saving Lives and Lowering Medical Bills
Quant-driven Financial Investment
Real March Madness is relying on seedings to determine Final Four
Retail Scheduling
Rice Growers Turn to Computer for Advice, Predictions
Rise of the Empowered Patient Consumer -- Courtesy of Analytics
Sports Analytics
Stopping Crime Before it Starts
Supercomputer predicts revolution
Television Ads
Thirteen Keys to the Presidency
Virtual Reality Cases
Watson Turns Medic
Wolfram Alpha launches Facebook personal analytics reports
You Might Be a Decision Analyst If ...

Modeling and Analytics

Algorithms Take Control of Wall Street
Analytics in the Military
Analytics: The Widening Divide
Business Intelligence and Analytics
Can an Algorithm Hire Better than a Human?
Collaborative Forecasting
Correlation vs. causality: an article that discusses the problems in interpretation
Correlation or Causation?
Enterprise-level Semantic Technologies
Statistical Thinking For Effective Management
Forecasting in Conflicts: How to Predict What Your Opponent Will Do: Armstrong talks about role-playing as a tool for business and government leaders who face crucial decisions in situations ranging from military clashes to marketing challenges.
Forecasting decisions in conflict situations: A comparison of game theory, role-playing, and unaided judgment by Kesten C. Green
How to Tell a Story with Data
Kevin Slavin: How algorithms shape our world
Queues got you blue? Line up here ...
Is the evidence on forecasting conflicts based on proper science? by J. Scott Armstrong
Hans Rosling shows the best stats you've ever seen
The Joy of Statistics
Hans Rosling with Fareed Zakaria explaining the world economy changes on March 6, 2011 GPS.
200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes
Explanation of the Video
Kaggle's Contests: Crunching Numbers for Fame and Glory
KHANAcademy Statistics Library
Lies, damn lies, and marketing data
More than Moneyball
Nate Silver: What I need from statisticians
Math will rock your world
ORMS and Risk Management Failures: What are We Doing Wrong? you may need to create a free profile to watch
A process of inquiry
'Gaming' Reality
The P-value Primer
Rethinking Risk Assessment and Management for Homeland Security and Defense you may need to create a free profile to watch
Science confirms: Politics wrecks your ability to do math
Science of Better Podcasts
Serendipity Favors the Connected
Simulation Survey
Spurious Correlation
Text Analytics
The Truth Wears Off Is there something wrong with the scientific method?
Use and Misuse of Statistics: How and Why Numbers are So Easily Manipulated
Using Data in a Business Setting: The Intersection of Data, Business, and Statistics
Wagner Prize Videos
What should managers know about business intelligence and data-driven decision support?
Where good ideas come from
Why Quants Don't Know Everything
Why Good Simulations Go Bad
Why Risk Analysis Fails
Will 2015 be the Beginning of the End for SAS and SPSS?

Modeling Blogs
Rich Murnane's Blog
Stats Man's Corner
Mike Trick's OR Blog
Punk Rock Operations Research
BI Blogs
Project Management 411

Modeling Resources
Introduction to Data Visualization
Microsoft Decision Theory and Adaptive Systems Page
Linear Programming Example
Timetable Software Worldwide
Sense and Sensitivity Analysis
"Simulation Goes Mainstream" by James Swain in ORMS Today
Simulation Software Survey
Spreadsheet Error Research
The European Spreadsheet Risk Interest Group
  • SAS Tutorials
  • Online Communities
  • LinkedIn Page
  • Facebook Page

  • Modeling Tools
    Applied Intelligence Atelier(AiA), Inc.
    Astrokettle Algorithms
    Dash Associates: The Optimization Company
    Decision Explorer
    eSiMon Dashboard Simulation Tool Expert Choice (decision analysis)
    Forecasting Principles
    High Performance Systems Software (simulation)
    MProbe 3.0
    Siftware: Logistic regression, Bayesian Model Averaging, by C. Volinsky

    Geographic Information Systems
    GAMS: Other sources of Math Software
    Geographic Information Systems
    HPCC Grand Challenge -- GEMS
    MIT Researchers Create New Urban Network Analysis Toolbox
    NSF HPCC Grand Challenge -- Environmental Modeling
    The Ranching Systems Group Home Page

    Data Mining
    American Express Kept a (Very) Watchful Eye on Charges
    Boundless Informant: the NSA's secret tool to track global surveillance data
    CNN story on data mining by U. Fayyad
    Cornell computers spot 'opinion spam'
    The darker side of data science
    Digging Into Data, Day 2: Making Tools and Using Them
    'Drinking from a Fire Hose': Has Consumer Data Mining Gone Too Far?
    FBI Seeks Data-Mining App for Social Media
    Government Developing Data Mining Tools To Fight Terrorism
    Mining Social Networks to Predict your App Choices
    New Ways to Exploit Raw Data May Bring Surge of Innovation, a Study Says
    Overview of Data Mining
    Mining Data at PayPal to Guide Business Strategy
    New Model to Trace the Origins of Information
    New Software Designed to Improve Politics
    Google's Data Mining Initiative
    Secret E-Scores Chart Consumers' Buying Power
    Tool Detects Patterns Hidden in Vast Data Sets
    With Criminal Intent: Data Mining of Old Bailey
    Today's Complex Data Can Help Predict the Future's War Zones
    See more data mining articles here.

    Dilbert explains correlation and causation
       This page was last modified on: 06/13/2016 15:09:23
       Page Owner: Professor Sauter (Vicki.Sauter AT