Decision Support Systems For Business Intelligence
    by Vicki L. Sauter

Design Insights: Picking a Project Team

As in any large scale, important application, the question of who should do the development may be critical.  Often project teams are hand-picked members of the staff who are pulled together especially for their ability to respond to a particular need.  They are thought of as a SWAT team in that they develop the DSS and then return to their separate departments.  If they are successful, then they are often called upon for the next important application.  Especially with the design of decision support systems, there are sometimes subtle elements of group synergy that lead to success for the group in one application, but not in other applications.   Unfortunately, the understanding of what leads to such success in high-performance projects is not well understood.

Moad, J.  "Can High Performance be Cloned?  Should it Be?"  Datamation, 41(4), March 1, 1995, p. 44-47.

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