Decision Support Systems For Business Intelligence
    by Vicki L. Sauter

Design Insights: Analytics
In response to a conference he attended, Neil Raden, founder of Hired Brains, a consulting firm specializing in analytics, business Intelligence and decision management, and co-author of the book Smart (Enough) Systems commented in his blog*:

Bottom line, it's all fluff. I don't like the term business analytics; it doesn't tell me anything. Frankly, I think business intelligence as a term is downright laughable, too. What does that mean? Is integrating data intelligence? Is generating reports intelligence? Maybe it's informing, but isn't intelligence something you HAVE not something you do? Does doing what we call BI lead to intelligence, or just some information? A long time ago we called this decision support, and that gets my vote [emphasis added]. And by the way, conspicuously absent from Davis' framework (he said "platform" implies huge, lengthy projects, framework captures the spirit of what they are proposing) was any mention of decisions -- where they are, how they are made, and how this "framework" leads to making better ones.

From his blog, “From 'BI' to 'Business Analytics,' It's All Fluff,” Posted March 29, 2009,at 11:11 pm, Viewed April 2, 2009,

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