
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 7: Polyphemus

Chapter 7, Drill b: Practice using pronouns (is ea id, hic haec hoc, ille illa illud, ipse ipsa ipsum)

Each short Latin sentence has in parentheses an English pronoun or a phrase which can be translated by one of the four Latin pronouns above. Provide the correct Latin pronoun phrase .

pater (to that daughter) flores dat. Answer: illae filiae or possibly ei filiae.
Horatia (him) videt. Answer: eum: "him" is direct object.

1. (These) homines clamores tollunt.
2. (In that wood) est casa.
3. puer clamat; omnes (him) audiunt.
4. coloni in agris laborant; pueri (them) vident.
5. uiri lucem petunt; mox uident (it).
6. nauis prope litus est; ad (it, i.e. the shore)
nautae currunt.
7. Graecus in litore territus est; Aeneas succurrit (him).
8. (These) studentes bene laborant.
9. (Those) studentes tamen non bene laborant.
10. (her) uideo.
11. Polyphemus ad litus currit; Troiani territi sunt sed Aeneas
([to] them) spem dat.
12. pueri timent (these shouts).
13. fluctus (of this sea) sunt ingentes.
14. Quintus credit (those sailors).
15. magister nauem conscendit sed (he himself) timet nubes.
16. Scintilla fabulam narrat; Horatia (it) laudat.
17. (That same day) est laetus.
18. (With, i.e. by means of, these hands
[don't use cum]) saxum tollo.
19. (That rock) de monte cadit.
20. Polyphemus audit clamores hominum sed (they) effugiunt.
21. mons magnus est prope urbem; de (it, the mons)
pueri currunt.

Go to the previous exercise.