
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31





Chapter 29, Drill b: Practice using a connecting relative pronoun.

In each of the following pairs of Latin sentences, the second contains a connecting phrase in English in parentheses which in Latin can be a relative pronoun or adverb. Provide the Latin connecting relative phrase.

Antonius Octaviam repudiavit. (When this was learned [use cognosco], Octavianus ad bellum se paravit. Answer: quibus cognitis (remember that sometimes where English uses singular for vague pronoun references, Latin tends to use neuter plural) or hoc cognito is possible Remember also to put the relative pronoun first in the sentence (or possibly after a preposition). Note that often you might have a choice between an ablative absolute or a dependent clause like a cum clause. Follow instructions for which construction to use, even if it could have been either. For cum clauses, use the pattern of Cicero's "quae cum ita sint", since these things are so, . . .

1. Maecenas saepe Horatium apud se arcessebat
ad carmina audiendum. (When he had heard them,
i.e. them having been heard), Horatius domum se referebat.
Use ablative absolute.
2. Antonius ad Aegyptum profectus est. (After this
was done, i.e. this having been done) ad Graeciam revenit.

Use ablative absolute.
3. Antonius Cleopatram uxorem suam esse pronuntiauit.
senatores, (when the they learned these things), statim
bellum Cleopatrae indixerunt.
(use cum clause, cognosco)
4. Cleopatra, regina Aegypti, mox se coniunxit cum Antonio.
(When these things were known), Octauianus se parauit
ad bellum suscipiendum.

use cognosco. use ablative absolute
5. castra Antonii ab Octaviano obsidebantur et milites
morbo fameque moriebantur. (When she saw this),
Cleopatra effugit.
Use cum clause.
6. Antonius aestimauit honorem suum minoris quam
unam mulierem. (When this was understood) a populo
Romano, omnes eum oderant.

intellego; use ablative absolute
7. Octavianus naues collegit. (When he had finished
this), Agrippa praefectus est classi.

use conficio; use cum clause
8. Agrippa erat optimus dux Octaviani. (His) classis
classem Antonii vicit.
9. in medio proelio, navis Cleopatrae se vertit et fugit.
(When he saw this, i.e. this having been seen), Antonius
eam secutus est.
Use ablative absolute.
10. multi milites Antonii se dediderunt
(They were treated) humane ab Octauiano.
11. Cleopatram classem suam in fugam duxit.
(When he had seen these things), eam secutus est.

Use cum clause.

Go to the previous exercise.