
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31







Chapter 27: Maecenas poetas fouet

Chapter 27, Drill c: Using gerundives.

In each Latin sentence, the English phrase in parentheses can be expressed by a gerundive phrase in the case required by its use in the sentence. Translate the phrase into Latin, using a gerundive.

Maecenas Quinto fundum dedit (for the purpose of writing poems, i.e. poems necessary to be written). Answer: ad carmina scribenda, literally towards/for the purpose of poems necessary to be written. Note that a Roman could also use a gerund with a direct object: ad carmina scribendum, for the purpose of writing poems, poems being direct object of the gerund. In this exercise, however, use the gerundive, not gerund plus direct object.

1. Quintus ad fundum saepe ibat (for the sake of writing
2. imperator dixit: tempus deest (for the purpose of
waging war).
3. Propertius maximum plausum meruit (by means of reciting
a poem) optime.
4. Maecenas poetas adiuvabat (for the purpose of
cultivating the Muses).
(Musae, -arum, f. pl.)
5. imperator militibus locutus est (for the purpose of urging
them on).
6. scripseratne Vergilius Aeneidem (for the sake of praising
Augustus)? Aeneis, Aeneidis, f.: the Aeneid)
7. Romani (in, i.e. by means of, building many temples)
gloriam deorum incitare conati sunt.
8. Maecenas amicos conuocabat (for the purpose of hearing
poems). (use carmen)
9. (For the purpose of conquering lands), Augustus multa bella
gerebat. (use terra)
10. milites disciplina utebantur (for the purpose of enduring
dangers). (use fero or patior)
11. Quintus ad ludum ierat (for the purpose of learning
the Greek language. (lingua Graeca = Greek tongue)
12. Horatius carmen scripsit (for the purpose of
consoling Tibullus).
13. (By reading these things) discimus.
14. (For the purpose of ruling many nations, Augustus
multa bella gessit. (use gens)
15. Maecenas diuitias dabat (for the purpose of supporting
16. Caesar orationem habuit (for the purpose of urging on the
17. Quintus domum festinavit (for the sake of finishing
the work).
(Use perficio.)

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