
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31









Drill chapter 26a

Chapter 26, Horatius iter Brundisium fecit

Chapter 26, Drill a: practice using the main clauses in conditions: simple, contrary to fact, and future.

Each Latin if-clause is followed by a main clause whose verb is supplied in parentheses in English. Provide the correct Latin form of the verb, depending on the type of condition:

si ille male cantauerit, nos nos (will turn aside; reflexive). Answer: auertemus

1. si imber adueniat, uiatores (would turn back, i.e. would
return) (use reuertor)
2. si imber imminet, omnes domum (return or are returning).
(use reuertor)
3. ille, si iter uereretur, non nos comitari (would be able).
4. si mane profecti erunt, eodem die (they will arrive).
5. si quis doluisset, ego (would have helped).
6. si Maecenas iter Brundisium non fecisset, Quintus eum non
(would have accompanied).
7. ille, si quem diligit, saepe eum (summons).
8. si aes exactum erit, Quintus lintrem conscendere
(will be able).
9. si culices somnos auerterunt, Quintus non laetus (was).
10. si nauta absentem amicam totam noctem cantabit,
Quintus non bene (will sleep).
11. Quintus, si non bene dormiat, cras fessus (would be).
12. nauta, si multa uappa prolutus non esset, melius
(would sing).
13. nauta, si multa uappa prolutus non fuisset, melius
(would have sung).
14. viator quidam, si senserit lintrem non procedere,
caput nautae fuste (will whack). (use dolo dolare)
15. nauta piger, si mulam saxo religat, dormire
(would be able).
16. Quintus, si Plotio et Vario Vergilioque occurrerit,
laetus (will be).
17. nonne Antonius, si in Aegypto non cessauisset,
(would have won)?
18. si iter longum est, uiatores fessi (become).
19. Octauianus, si totum populum Italiae sibi conciliauerit,
auctoritatem suam paulatim (will increase).
20. Marce, si tantum uini bibas, philosophiam non
(you would learn; use cognosco).
21. si culices ranaeque somnos non auertissent,
Quintus bene (would have slept).
22. si lintrem conscenderimus, iter multo celerius
(we will make).
23. si mula lintrem trahit, uiatores dormire (are able to).
24. si mula lintrem trahat, uiatores dormire (would be able to)
25. si mula pastum missa est, linter non (goes forward)

Go to the next exercise.