
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31







Chapter 24, Horatius carmina scribit

Chapter 24, Drill a: Practice creating result clauses.

Each sentence has a main clause in Latin with an English clause in parentheses. Provide the Latin for that result clause. Use the same word order as in English for ease in matching the computerized answer. Note that sequence of tenses is often not followed, sometimes because of the logic of the sentence.

magister pueros totiens punit (that the children are complaining). Answer: ut pueri querantur

Horatius tanta officia habebat (that he did not have enough time). Answer: ut non satis temporis haberet

1. aues tam pulchre canunt (that people are listening).
2. Horatius rure adeo fructus est (that he avoided the city).
3. Vergilius carmina Horatii tantopere admirabatur
(that Horace rejoiced).
4. Marcus Cicero carmina eius totiens laudabat
(that [their] friends decided) ea legere.
5. Horatius habebat tantum otii (that he was able)
carmina scribere.
6. pueri totiens querebantur (that [their] father
punished them).
7. senex tam fessus est (that we must) ei succurrere.
8. pastores sunt tam pauperes et oppressi (that
they are not taking care of) oues.
9. studentes erant tam fessi (that now they are not here).
10. coloni tot agros perdiderunt
(that they became) pauperes.
11. pueri totiens morabantur (that [their] mother
12. pater materque pueros adeo amabant (that
they tried) eis succurrerent.
13. Horatius tam pulchra carmina scripsit (that today
they are praised).
14. senex Horatium tam diu intuebatur (that he
recognized) eum.
15. Marcus Cicero laudauit carmina Horatii tantopere
(that all wanted) ea audire.
16. Vergilius carminibus eius adeo fruebatur
(that he praised) ea.

Go to the next exercise.