
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31















Chapter 23, Horatius Romam redit

Chapter 23, Drill b: practice changing direct statement to indirect.

Each of the short Latin sentences below is followed by a verb of saying, telling, reporting, feeling, etc. Change the short direct statement to the indirect form following the verb of saying etc. by rewriting the subject (noun or pronoun) and the verb in the correct forms (leaving out final punctuation). Use only the subject (accusative) and the verb (infinitive).

"carmina scripsi." Quintus dixit Answer: se scripsisse (use se since Quintus was already subject of the main verb but, as the implied ego of scripsi, it is subject of the infinitive and refers back to the subject of the main verb. Leave out the rest of the sentence, i.e. carmina, since it remains the same.

"fessus est!" Vergilius dixit Answer: eum esse (since Vergilius is referring to someone else, the third-person subject of the main verb, use eum; since the time is the same time as the main verb, use present infinitive).

1. "ueterani agros ademerunt."
senex Horatio dixit
2. "agri non coluntur."
ciues negabant
3. "coloni agros perdiderunt."
Horatius scit
4. "parentes inueniam."
Horatius sperauit
5. "agri occupati sunt."
senex dixit
6. "senex non locutus est."
cives negauerunt
7. "agri adimuntur."
senex dixit
8. "ueterani agris utuntur."
senex dixit
9. "ille negotium suscipit."
Horatius dixit
10. "panem in mensa posui."
colonus dixit
11. "colles sunt alti."
Horatius uidit
12. "agri occupati sunt."
Horatius uidit
13. "ciues discesserunt"
Horatius nesciuit
14. "imperatorem prodidi."
Horatius scripsit
15. "negotium susceptum est."
Horatius scripsit
16. "carmina scribam."
Horatius dixit
17. "in somno Apollinem uidi."
Horatius dixit
18. "Horatius fit scriba."
Marcus sciuit
19. "Horatius in Italiam rediit."
Marcus cognouit
20. "Horatius laetus uidetur."
Marcus patrem certiorem fecit
Go to the previous exercise.