
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31







Chapter 20, Horatius militat

Chapter 20, Drill d: Practice using deponent verbs.

For each English phrase, use the appropriate form of a deponent verb, with "ut" if necessary.

Quintus, having followed amicos, constitit. Answer: secutus.

1. de monte (he was slipping) dum luna surgebat.
2. milites (will try) se celare.
3. Quintus (seems) laetus esse.
4. non potui (to speak).
5. Flaccus ad agros (having set out), pueros audiuit.
6. legatus militibus imperavit (to set out/should set out).
7. Scintilla in casam (went into).
8. cum Quintus (was born), parentes gaudebant.
9. sol (has risen).
10. sol (rising) mala tulit.
11. milites in urbe (delayed).
12. milites (were trying) contendere.
13. opus est mihi, mala (having suffered), loqui.
14. femina, (having seemed) laeta, tristis tamen erat.
15. terrorne nos (will follow)?
16. o milites, (try) pedibus proficisci!
17. o Scintilla, nunc (speak)!
18. pater Quinto persuadet (to try) proficisci.
19. pater Quinto persuasit (to try) proficisci.
20. Quintus diligentur laborabat
(in order not to suffer) difficultates.
21. Scintilla (feared) tela.
22. Quinte, noli (slip) de monte descendens!
23. (You [plural]will follow.)
24. saepe in Senatu Cicero (spoke).
25. Caesar in gradibus templi (died).
26. milites, multa mala (having suffered), domum redierunt.
27. graviora (he suffers).
28. (They tried) proficisci.
29. centurio Quinto imperauit (to follow).
30. saepe uiatores eos (followed).
31. illo die uiatores eos (followed).
32. cum Quintus officia (had carried out), domum rediit.
33. Quintus, Venusiae ((having been) born), Romam contendit.

Go to the previous exercise.