
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31













Chapter 13: Marcus Quintum domum suam inuitat

Chapter 13, Drill c: Practice using comparatives and superlatives.

In the Latin sentences below, translate each English phrase in parentheses into correct Latin, using the correct comparative or superlative form of the adjective or adverb. Use superlative instead of valde.

iter Athenas erat (longer than) iter Romam. Answer: longius quam : longius because iter is neuter.
nauis nauigauit(very fast). Answer: celerrime.

1. poetaene (more bravely than) alii pugnant?
2. Flaccus erat (very happy)
3. quod Quintus discebat (well).
4. Quintus (as hard [i.e. diligently] as possible) studebat.
5. "Quinte, fer mihi (more books)."
6. "Quinte, fer mihi libros (as quickly as possible)."
7. da mihi (more water)!
8. Quintus urbem (bigger than) Romam numquam viderat.
9. Romae aedificia sunt (as big as possible).
10. M. Tullius Cicero, pater Marci, erat (more famous) orator
quam ceteri.
11. (The best) orator Romae erat M. Tullius Cicero.
12. aedes Ciceronis erant (more beautiful than) ceterae.
13. Cicero erat (very sad) quod filia Tullia perierat.
14. Roma erat plena (of very high buildings).
15. nautae nauem ad (the biggest city) pepulerunt.
16. est templum Iouis (the Best [and] Greatest) in colle
Capitolino. [Jupiter the Best and Greatest was a frequent
cult title; omit the "and" and capitalize his titles.]
17. femina cibum (to the smaller boy) dedit.
18. hic liber est (worse than) ille.
19. Quintus trans (a very wide) agrum ambulavit.
20. Venusia Roma longe abest, sed Athenae (farther) absunt.
21. Horatia erat (very beautiful).
22. ille (better) epistolas scribit quam tu.
23. Quintus carmina (very many) scripsit.
24. Quintus volebat Marcum visere (as soon as possible).
25. Quintus carminibus poetarum (more than) legibus
orationibusque gaudebat.
26. Quintus carmina Graeca (more happily) legebat quam
27. leges Romanae erant (the most difficult) studia.
28. in ludis circensibus, pauci (very bravely) pugnabant.
29. ego (more [things]) manu dextera quam manu sinistra
facere possum, sed ille omnia manu sinistra facit.
30. Quintus poetas Graecas legere poterat (better than)
31. Quintus Graecos libros (very easily) legere poterat.
32. Quintus libros (more often than) Marcus legebat.
33. Quintus (greatly) libris gaudebat.
34. Quintus libris gaudebat (more than) ceteri discipuli.

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