
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31


Chapter 12: Ludus Orbili

Chapter 12, Drill b: Ablatives and other phrases.

In each sentence, the phrase in English can be translated by a Latin phrase, including uses of the ablative and other cases. Example:
(Within ten days) Quintus Romam advenit. Answer: decem diebus.

1. Flaccus (in the street) stabat.
2. (For three hours) Flaccus vestimenta Quinto quaerebat.
3. (Within a few hours) emerat omnia quae cupiebat.
4. Iulius Caesar scripsit: (I came I saw I conquered).
5. Quintus paterque (Venusia) discesserant.
6. tandem Quintus erat (free from care)
(liber libera liberum = free).
7. Quintus manebat (on the steps) ludi.
8. prope ianuam erat titulus (a sign): (beware of the dog).
9. Quintus discesserat (from home).
10. (At dawn) ad ludum advenit.
11. (In the school) discipuli prope Orbilium stabant.
12. (Many years later) Quintus Orbilium laudauit.
13. ludus longe aberat (from the Subura).
14. (That year) hiems sero venit.
15. (In the city) Quintus mansit.
16. Quintus (with [his] friends) ad ludum contendebant.
17. (Down from the mountains) pueri veniebant.
18. (From the city) discesserunt.
19. Quintus (about love) saepe scribebat.
20. (Under the trees) pueri dormiebant.
21. Romam (we have arrived).
22. Cicero (about the republic) saepe scribebat.
23. (Many hours earlier) orator orationem habebat.
24. discipuli (laughed) quod Quintus nec dicere nec legere
25. Quintus patri (was thanking) .
26. paucis ante diebus, Quintus ludum timuerat, sed
secundo die Marcus Tullius Cicero eum (freed [him] from fear).

Go to the previous exercise.