
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31



















Chapter 11: Quintus Romam aduenit

Chapter 11, Drill c: drill Latin numbers, cardinal and ordinal.

For each English number in parentheses, whether cardinal ("one") or ordinal ("first"), give the Latin equivalent to modify the noun following it. For some, you may have to guess.

(first) dies (nominative singular) Answer: primus.
(one) lacrima Answer: una.

1. (second) hora
2. (four) anni (nominative plural)
3. (two) horas
4. (third) iter
5. (seventh) tempore
6. (first) ueris
7. (five) ignes
8. (one) annus
9. (ninth) anno
10. (nine) itinera
11. (seven) annos
12. (tenth) hora
13. (sixth) ignis (genitive singular)
14. (three) lacrimae
15. (six) dies
16. (ten) tempora
17. (eight) horas
18. (fourth) annum
19. (one) orationis
20. (eighth) candidatus
21. (two) orationum
22. (fifth) uulnus
23. (one) uulneri
24. (two) horis
25. (two) horas
26. (two) itineribus
27. (three) uulnera
28. (three) numerorum
29. (one hundred) naues
30. (twenty) ignes
31. (thirty) siluae
32. (one thousand) anni
33. (fifty) annos
34. (ninety) dies
35. (forty) noctes
36. (sixty) itinera
37. (two thousand) (nominative)
38. (seventy) homines
39. (eighty) orationes
40. (two hundred) anni
41. (three hundred) horas
42. (four hundred) annis
43. (five hundred) itinera
44. (six hundred) candidatorum
45. (seven hundred) annos
46. (eight hundred) horae
47. (nine hundred) candidati

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