
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31







Chapter 11: Quintus Romam aduenit

Chapter 11, Drill a: practice using the pluperfect (past perfect) tense with other past tenses.

In each short Latin sentence, the English verb in parentheses expresses time before the action of the main verb, expressed or implied. Provide the correct Latin form of the pluperfect (past perfect), perfect, or imperfect.

Quintus aedificia tam splendida numquam (had seen). Answer: viderat.

Flaccus et Quintus (said goodby to) Scintillam et Horatiam. Answer: iusserunt valere.

Flaccus et Quintus (were saying goodby to) Scintillam et Horatiam. Answer: iubebant valere.

See the chart summarizing aspect in verbs tenses in Course Documents.

1. puer (turned around, i.e. turned himself).
2. pater Quintum in mediam urbem (had led).
3. Quintus patri "tam diu (we have travelled, i.e. we
have marched)!"
4. Flaccus uestimenta Quinto (had bought).
5. Flaccus dixit, "uestimenta tibi (I have bought)."
6. templum Iouis iam (they had looked at).
7. Quintus (was) tristis et territus.
8. uia difficilis (had been).
9. uir quidam Curiam (had burned, i.e. set on fire).
10. templa omnia (were) pulchra.
11. Quintus aedificium (looked at).
12. ianitor ianuam (had shut) cum uxor eius Flaccum
13. prope Viam Sacram (lay) ruinae Curiae.
14. multae familiae in insulis in Subura (were living)
[use habito].
15. Roma est aeterna, et multa aedificia (have remained,
i.e. have stayed).
16. paucos dies se parauerunt; quarto die (they decided)
ludum Orbilii quaerere.
17. Quintus aedificia (was looking at) cum unum uacuum
18. quodam die Quintus in mediam urbem (walked).
19. in Foro, orator orationem (had made, i.e. had delivered
or had given).
20. nunc (he was going away).
21. Quintus saepe patri (helped).
22. quodam die Quintus patri (helped).
23. Quintus montem Capitolinum (looked at).
24. in taberna (they drank) paululum uini [a little wine].

Go to the next exercise.