
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31











Chapter 10: Comitia

Chapter 10, Drill c: use of all three tenses you know.

The verb or verb phrase in parentheses in each of the following short English sentences can be translated into Latin using the present, imperfect, or perfect tense. Provide the correct form of the Latin verb from recent chapters corresponding to the English verb phrase.

pueri (were walking) per uias. Answer: ambulabant, because the use of the past progressive in English "were walking") indicates a continuing action.
pueri (walked) ad ludum. Answer: Answer: ambulauerunt, because the act of walking here is a simple action, "snapshot".
pueri (are walking) ad ludum. Answer: Answer: ambulant, because the act of walking here is an ongoing action at the present.
pueri (walk) ad ludum. Answer: Answer: ambulant, present tense, an action that is generally true at present.

See the chart summarizing aspect in verbs tenses in Course Documents.

1. (We are remaining) in Foro.
2. saepe nunc (they lead).
3. magister pueros domum (sent) quod non audiebant.
4. cur in uia (did you fight [plural])?
5. pueri taciti sunt quod magister (is telling) fabulam.
6. candidatus (was giving) orationem cum Flaccus intrauit.
7. candidatus (gave) orationem.
8. semper (you wanted) [use cupio]) philosophiae studere.
9. (They promise) omnibus succurrere.
10. hostes saepe (go away).
11. diu (you (singular) didn't have) filios.
12. saepe pueri libros ad ludum (carry).
13. candidati (were) pessimi.
14. pauperes (try) superesse.
15. cives (were casting) suffragia.
16. imperium quod Mercurius Aeneae (= dative] dedit
(was not) facile.
17. Quintus (did not hear) ea quae magister dixit.
18. magistrum (you [pl.] are not listening to).
19. Romani (overcome) multos hostes.
20. iter difficile (was [expressing its general condition]).
21. iter difficile (is).
22. milites semper mortem (feared).
23. Romani (overcame) omnes.
24. diu (we were shouting).
25. Cicero grauem orationem (gave [use habeo]).
26. una ante hora (you [singular] entered).
27. (He was sleeping) cum intraui.
28. Cicero (used to give) orationes optimas.
29. magister pueros in ludum ducebat cum nuntius
(approached [use accedo]).
30. Scintilla et Horatia iam (were crying) cum Quintus
et Flaccus discesserunt.

Go to the previous exercise.