Geography 1001: Introduction to Geography

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presentations are included here to help my students better understand
some geographic concepts. If I have included a presentation you
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PowerPoint Presentations
For Test 1
For Test 2
For Test 3
For Test 4
Introduction Topics Pages - You can find much more information here
Foundations of Geographic Thought and Expression |
Major Religions |
Human Geography Topics |
Human Geography Topics |
Landforms, Landforming Processes, & Water Features Page |
Human Geography Topics |
Agriculture, Food, & Hunger Page |
Globalization |
Weather & Climate |
Holy Land Geography PLUS |
Resources and the Environment Page |
Ecology & Life Systems
Special Link Pages
Web Links for Geog 1001
Festivals Page (Cultural)
Local and Global Map Resources
All About Water - Water Properties and Measurement
Introduction to Geography and Miscellaneous Materials.
Introcuction to World Regions
Aging Europe is Unprepared
Corn Disrupts Catepillar's Digestion to Protect Itself
A whole new world along the US-Mexican Border
Regional Geography |
Americans Head West and Southeast
Every Crop Needs its Wild Relatives
Cold War Timeline
Transportation in Developing Countries |
Demographic Terms
Farming Fish for the Future
Containment joint defense organizations
European Union Agenda
Global Change 3 - Population Basics
Food Prices Set to Surge 50 Percent Within Five Years
Islamic Fundamentalism
European Union - Economy, Society, & Polity |
Global Change 4 - Human Populations
Global Change 101 - Human Appropriation of the World
Japan Rocks China with Island Plan
Global warming mixed results |
Models of Demographic Transition
Genetically Modified (GM) Crops - Pro and Con
Myanmar monasteries raided as World Pleads for Calm
Global warming will bring stronger storms |
Population Equation Balancing What We Have With What We Need |
More Ethanoil Means More Corn & More Water Pollution
The Day Burma Was Silenced
Antarctic icebergs may help soak up greenhouse gases |
Russia - Demographic troubles
Gene-Altered Profit KillerSa
US support for Israel - History
Climate change pulls warm water fish north |
Russia - Population Shrinking
Angling for a Better Way to Farm Fish
Why do They Hate US
Climate change pulls warm water fish north |
Senior Moment - the Rise of the Alpha Geezer
As Sustainable Farming Takes Root
Yangon Bloggers Outsmart Myanmar Censors - Protests 9-7-07
Global Warming - the minority view |
The Deomgraphic Transition
4th World Water Forum Bulletin 2006
Former Yugoslavia Map
global change 23 The Greenhouse Effect and the Ecological Consequences |
The Earliest Migration
CANTS save the Forests |
Kosovo Primer
Global warming effects on glaciers
U.N. Study Projects World Population Will to 9 Billion
Carnahan Asks Clinton to Derail Plans to Alter Summer Flow of Missouri River
Kosovo Timeline
Global warming is a problem that is not going to be solved easily |
Why Population Matters to Natural Resources
China Plans Vast Water Diversion |
Bosnian Genocide
Global Warming the Predictions and the Actuality overhead |
Acidic Fatwa - Persecution of Hindus in Kashmir
Global Change 11 - Case Studies - Land Use Change
Fuel Prices Questions Answered
High arctic ponds are drying out |
Advice from an Old Middle East Hand
Global Change 14 - Notes on Fisheries
Generic Post Colonial Economic Patterns
Iceberg breaks loose in the Antarctic |
Apache Seasons
Global Change 15 - Notes on Dammed Rivers
Global Change 28 - Achievingn Sustainable Development
Pacific nations stress vulnerability of small island States during UN debate |
Attitudes and Beliefs
Global Change 9 - Human Appropriation of the World
Income Spread (gap) Among Countries
Pollution Adds To Global Warming |
Changing spaces
Is Recycling Worthwhile
Industrial Revolution
The Big Thaw - glaciers melting rapidly |
Land Use and Precaution
Interdependence Illustrated at a Local Level
The crisis of the global climate |
Cultural Gaffs
Oil - Origination of
Oil Problems
This was world's warmest recorded winter - climate change |
Cultural Geography Defined and Supported
Putin's Grasp on Energy Drives the Russian Agernda
Report - U.S. Workes are the Most Productive
Transportation and Climate By The Numbers |
Culture and Cultural Geography
Rain Forest Plant Fights Tuberculosis
Very Richest's Share of Income Grew Even Bigger
Arctic Sea Ice Shatters Record Low |
Low and High Tech
Resource Wars -- Can We Survive Them?
Europe on the Brink of a Currency Crisis (Oct 08)
Beyond Carbon - Scientists Worry About Nitrogen's Effects |
Man, the Chooser
Strange Eruptions of Natural Gas
Globalization of Diseases
Greenland Icesheet Could Melt Faster |
Morphology of Culture Regions
The Heart of the Energy Crisis
Men Take Moscow Audience Hostage
For the first time in human history |
Some Approaches to Cultural Geography
Trash as Urban Ore Overhead
Realms and Regions
Alaska - climate-change frontier |
World Energy Consumption
Temperature rises will be double the safe limit for global warming |
The Threat of Modernity to Religion Culture and Government
122 Countries Agree to GBan 12 Highly Toxic Chemicals
Outline Europe 1- Supranationalism and Devolution
Metamorphic Rocks
Traditional Problems in Niger
Africa - Waste Headed for 3rd World Bin
Small Business Resource Center (web site)
Minor Topographical forms in Mountain
Westerners and Easterners see the World Differently
Area (STL) #8 in pollution deaths |
Missing Lake in Chile Possibly an Earthquake Drained It
Living in a Mullticultural Society
Carbon Dioxide Reduction
Mudslide Traps Campers in Southern California
A Glimpse into the Orthodox Jewish Lifestyle
China Contributes to U.S. Air Pollution
Plate Interactions
About Easter and Calendars
China Dam Has Ignited Opposition
Plate Tectonics
Buddhism from BuddhaNet
Cities Highly Vulnerable to Sea Level Rising
Quake knocks out power across Hawaii
Global Decline in Amphibians
Quake knocks out power across Hawaii - 2
Hybrids' Rising Sun
Quake Lifts Solomons Island Meteres from the Sea |
Culture, Religion, and Regression - Hinduism |
Invasion of Asian Carp Worries State Officials |
Quake Study sees Possible Fault with New Madrid's Calm Surface |
Excerpt from Applied Linguistics - a Science of Culture |
New Study Finds Global Efforts to Reduce Pollution in the Arctic May be Working |
Reflections on Physical Geography
Haj Glossary
Polar Bears Walking on Thin Ice
Sea Floor Spreading |
Haj Guide |
Scientists Track Dioxin from U.S. Smokestacks to Remote Arctic Villages |
Sea Floor Spreading - 2 |
Has Religion Helped the Human Species Survive? |
Pollution & St. Louis Air Quality |
Sedimentary Rocks |
Hinduism - 2 |
Upper Mississippi Flooding |
We Must Stop Building Levies
Voracious Kudzu
Stages of Evolution of Karst Topography
Idioms and Idiomatic Language
Vulnerable River Basins
Subduction - 1
Influence of Religion in Mass Culture
What is the Environmental Impact of the US Consumer's Habits?
Subduction - 2 |
Introduciton to Sacred Places of Japan |
Wild Fires |
Subduction and Convergent Margains |
Introduction to Sacred Places of India |
Gulf Dead Zone |
Surprise Tremor in Calafornia's Napa Valley |
Islam |
Paradise Lost - Endangered Species - Hawaii |
The Glacier Story |
Islam 2 |
Consumer Safety - Beware Recalled Products |
The layers of the Crust |
Judaism from Judaism 101 |
Forests in Peril |
The Layers of the Earth |
Judaism |
10 Most Polluted Cities in the USA |
The Rock Cycle |
Judaism 2 |
Aerotropolis - New City Form |
The Theory of Continental Drift |
Monkeys Terrorize Government Workers in India |
Cities Highly Vulnerable to Sea Level Rising |
Transform Margins |
On Language and Culture |
Future Suture? Merging the City and County is Easier Said than Done |
Types of Plate Motion |
Oral Religions |
Global Change 16 - The Urban & Industrial Environment - Atmosphere |
Volcanic and Geologic Terms |
Religion (survey booklet) |
Global Change 17 - The Urban & Industrial Environment - Hydrosphere |
Volcanism and Intrusion |
Religion |
Global Change 18 - Notes on Drinking Water |
Weathering |
Religious Freedom |
Life in Suburbia Costs More than You'd Think |
What is a Mudslide |
Sacred Mountains of China |
Mass Transit Can Work |
The Power of Water - Texas Canyon Revealed |
Sacred Sites of Bali |
Micropolitan and Metropolitan Areas of the USA |
Giant Crystal Cave |
Sacred Sites of Morocco |
NASA Satellites Watch the World's Cities Grow |
Levels of the Rainforest |
Sacred Sites of the Dogon in Mali |
Revolting High Rises |
Wall of volcanic mud swamps Philippine hamlets |
Sikhism & the Golden Temple |
The Tourist City - Urban Geography |
24 Inch Rainfall Causes Floods in the Alps |
The Caste System of India |
UN - Half the World Soon to be in Cities |
2006 Storms Special Report |
The Cult of Maximoin |
Urbanization an Environmental Force to be Reckoned With |
Flood in India |
The Day of the Dead - Mexican Migrants Return Home after Death |
Toronto - a Model for St. Louis? |
Floods create humanitarian disaster in Kenya |
The Haj quick tour |
Severe Storm Hits Europe |
The Major Religions of the World |
Lake effect snow around the great lakes |
The Religious War on Bottled Water |
Snow squalls bury upstate New York - lake effect snow |
The Widening Gyre - Religion, Culture and Evolution |
Storms kill at least 6 people, disrupt travel, flood villages |
Zoroastrianism |
Global Climate |
Brutal Cold Slows Life in Alaska |
Climate Change Information Sheet 1 |
Drought |
Koppen-Gieger climate classification definitions |
Monsoon floods in India and Bangladesh |
Physical Geography - Climate |
Why Climates May Have Changed From Ancient Times |
World Climate and Vegetation Zones (revised) |
Colder north america and northern europe may result from gulf stream shutdown |
A Short Intro to Terrestrial Biomes |
Biodiversity & the 4 Laws of Ecology |
Carbon Dioxide Reduction |
China Warns of Catastrophe from Three Gorges Dam |
Claim of Nonhuman-induced Gloobal Warming |
Cotton Farmers Sue Monsanto over GM Failure |
Ecology and Social Action (Barry Commoner) |
Ecology Topics |
Environmental Defense - 5 Goals Evaluated |
Exploring a Woodlot's Ecosystem |
Fewer Boy Babies Being Born |
Forests Help Ensure Clean Water in Cities |
Fragilel Desert Landscape is no Match for Careless Intruders |
Global Change 1 - Notes on Human Development |
Global Change - 2 The Ecological Crisis of the 21st Centuiry |
Global Change 23 - The Greenhouse Effect |
Global Change 25 - Threats to Biodiversity |
Global Estimate of Endangered Plant Species
Mad Cow Disease Alert |
Mudslides and Logging |
Multiple Threats to Ecosystems |
Perhaps No U.S. Streams are Unpolluted |
Plant Species From Rain Forest Fights Tuberculosis |
Pollution Impacts on Children |
Propitiation (4 laws of ecology) |
Scientific American - Phytoplankton |
Soil Biological Communities |
Special Waste & Pollution Report |
Tamarisk (salt cedar) Invasive Exotic Plant |
The Crisis of the Global Climate |
The Human in the Earth System |
The need for Environmental Literacy |
The Sixth Extinction |
The Southeastern Mediterranean Ecosystem Revisited |
The Spreading Matrix of Ecological Trouble |
Three Articles About the Aswan high Dam |
Top 10 Polluted Places |
Top 25 Science Questions |
University of Newcastle Gratuate Speech (4 laws of ecology) |
Voracious Kudzu |
Why I am an Environmentalist |
Can this Muck Save the Planet - Wetlands |
Shades of Green - Ecoburials |
Amazon Forest Destruction Jumps in Brazil |
Global Change 26 - Pollution Control |