Raleigh Clayton Muns - References

2130 Oak Drive
Crystal Lake Park, MO 63131

Work ph: (314) 516-5059 / Home ph: (314) 569-0491
Work Email: muns@umsl.edu / Home Email: fugitive@fugax.com
WWW Home Pages: http://www.umsl.edu/~muns/ or http://www.fugax.com/


Ms. Amy Arnott, Dean of UM-St. Louis Libraries
Thomas Jefferson Library, University of Missouri-St. Louis
8001 Natural Bridge Road
St. Louis, MO 63121
ph: (314) 516-5050

Mr. Patrick Tansey, Systems Support Analyst-Specialist
Thomas Jefferson Library, University of Missouri-St. Louis
8001 Natural Bridge Road
St. Louis, MO 63121
ph: (314) 516-5140

Mr. Chris Dames, Reference Librarian
Thomas Jefferson Library, University of Missouri-St. Louis
8001 Natural Bridge Road
St. Louis, MO 63121
ph: (314) 516-6473

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R. Muns / Resumé References / online version 1.5 (Sep. 25, 1995)