Raleigh Clayton Muns - Education

2130 Oak Drive
Crystal Lake Park, MO 63131

Work ph: (314) 516-5059 / Home ph: (314) 569-0491
Work Email: muns@umsl.edu / Home Email: fugitive@fugax.com
WWW Home Pages: http://www.umsl.edu/~muns/ or http://www.fugax.com/


September 1989 to June 1991

Masters Degree in Library Science with a Specialization in Reference Services from UCLA's Graduate School of Library and Information Science with a GPA of 3.9 out of 4.0.

April 1988 to June 1988

Intensive intermediate level Italian courses at the University of Florence, Italy (Centro di Cultura per Stranieri).

September 1976 to June 1982

BA in Psychology, cum laude, from UCLA.

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R. Muns / Resumé Education / online version 1.5 (Sep. 25, 1995)