
What Sets Us Apart

REPLICABLE PROGRAM – CEFC’s Student Loan Debt Repayment Program is both proven and replicable. Contact CEFC for information on how to bring the program to your community.

ACCESS TO ACADEMIC RESEARCH AND EXPERTISE – CEFC is based at the University of Missouri-St. Louis with access to academic professionals with relevant knowledge in the various content areas of financial counseling.

EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICES – CEFC is committed to identifying, implementing, monitoring and evaluating evidence-based counseling practices that produce positive client/borrower behavior change and outcomes.

LEADING EXPERTS – CEFC has a national Leadership Council comprised of leading experts representing various aspects of its mission from academic institutions, consumer advocacy, credit counseling, the creditor community and policymakers.

RELEVANT EXPERTISE – CEFC has a long history and experience with credit and housing counseling, financial capability counseling and a strong background in adult education.

AWARD-WINNING – Our staff led the development of the first K-12 personal finance curricula written by academic professionals. The Personal Finance Economics curriculum won the 1997 National Foundation for Credit Counseling’s Outstanding Education Program; now funded and sponsored by Bank of America through the Council for Economic Education.

TRACK RECORD – CEFC has successfully worked with nonprofit financial counseling organizations to conduct training and implement new counseling programs.

NATIONAL RECOGNITION  – CEFC is frequently invited to present its expertise at professional conferences, forums and seminars and has had its program findings published:

  • Panelist, 2014 Wells Fargo College of Risk continuing education training for 200 senior managers.
  • Panelist, 2014 St. Louis Office of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Trustees annual conference.
  • Panelist, 2013 Student Loan Forum sponsored by the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank.
  • Presenter, poster session at 2012 national conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests (ACCI).
  • Published research: An extended abstract of the CEFC Student Loan Borrowers Repayment program findings has been published on the ACCI website in the 2012 issue of Consumer Interests Annual (CIA).
  • Presenter, poster session at 2102 national conference of the Association of Financial Counselors, Planners, and Educators.