About Us
What We Do
Our History
CEFC Staff
Programs and Initiatives
CEFC Current Focus: Student Loan Debt
Using Evidence-Based Practices
Training, Monitoring & Evaluating
Outcomes & Results
What's Next
CEFC Publications
Student Loan Debt Repayment Crisis
How We Earn Your Trust
What Sets Us Apart
What Others Say About Us
Success Stories
How To Get Involved
Nonprofit Counseling Organizations
Legal Services Organizations
Private and Corporate Foundations, Grantors
Contact CEFC
REPLICABLE PROGRAM – CEFC’s Student Loan Debt Repayment Program is both proven and replicable. Contact CEFC for information on how to bring the program to your community.
ACCESS TO ACADEMIC RESEARCH AND EXPERTISE – CEFC is based at the University of Missouri-St. Louis with access to academic professionals with relevant knowledge in the various content areas of financial counseling.
EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICES – CEFC is committed to identifying, implementing, monitoring and evaluating evidence-based counseling practices that produce positive client/borrower behavior change and outcomes.
LEADING EXPERTS – CEFC has a national Leadership Council comprised of leading experts representing various aspects of its mission from academic institutions, consumer advocacy, credit counseling, the creditor community and policymakers.
RELEVANT EXPERTISE – CEFC has a long history and experience with credit and housing counseling, financial capability counseling and a strong background in adult education.
AWARD-WINNING – Our staff led the development of the first K-12 personal finance curricula written by academic professionals. The Personal Finance Economics curriculum won the 1997 National Foundation for Credit Counseling’s Outstanding Education Program; now funded and sponsored by Bank of America through the Council for Economic Education.
TRACK RECORD – CEFC has successfully worked with nonprofit financial counseling organizations to conduct training and implement new counseling programs.
NATIONAL RECOGNITION – CEFC is frequently invited to present its expertise at professional conferences, forums and seminars and has had its program findings published:
- Panelist, 2014 Wells Fargo College of Risk continuing education training for 200 senior managers.
- Panelist, 2014 St. Louis Office of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Trustees annual conference.
- Panelist, 2013 Student Loan Forum sponsored by the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank.
- Presenter, poster session at 2012 national conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests (ACCI).
- Published research: An extended abstract of the CEFC Student Loan Borrowers Repayment program findings has been published on the ACCI website in the 2012 issue of Consumer Interests Annual (CIA).
- Presenter, poster session at 2102 national conference of the Association of Financial Counselors, Planners, and Educators.