About Us
What We Do
Our History
CEFC Staff
Programs and Initiatives
CEFC Current Focus: Student Loan Debt
Using Evidence-Based Practices
Training, Monitoring & Evaluating
Outcomes & Results
What's Next
CEFC Publications
Student Loan Debt Repayment Crisis
How We Earn Your Trust
What Sets Us Apart
What Others Say About Us
Success Stories
How To Get Involved
Nonprofit Counseling Organizations
Legal Services Organizations
Private and Corporate Foundations, Grantors
Contact CEFC
Nonprofit Agencies and Legal Services Providers
Nonprofit agencies and legal services providers that are interested in obtaining more information about bringing CEFC Student Loan Borrower Repayment Counseling to their respective communities are invited to contact us at cefc@umsl.edu.
Private and Corporate Foundations, Grantors
CEFC’s replicable, performance-based Student Loan Debt Repayment Counseling program helps assure greater accountability for your funding dollars. We welcome your interest and invite you to contact us at cefc@umsl.edu.
Student Loan Borrowers
Please be aware that the Center for Excellence in Financial Counseling is unable to provide direct advice or counseling to borrowers. For current information on student loan debt repayment, we recommend that you visit this website’s resources page which includes a list of recommended websites for more information. As our program expands, we hope to be able to provide borrowers with contact information to regional and local nonprofit agencies that provide CEFC Student Loan Debt Repayment Counseling.