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Vicki Jacobson, director
Vicki Jacobson is the director of the Center for Excellence in Financial Counseling at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Jacobson previously served as the president of The Foundation for Credit Education prior to its transition as a center at the university. During her tenure with the foundation, she worked with student loan law experts to design and deliver training to nonprofit credit and housing counselors on student loan borrower repayment.
Jacobson is currently piloting the implementation and evaluation of a comprehensive student loan borrower repayment counseling program targeting financially distressed borrowers. The pilot program integrates a diagnostic checklist of available repayment options into a behavior change counseling model delivered by a nonprofit financial counseling organization partnered with a legal services organization.
Prior to leading the Foundation for Credit Education, Jacobson served in various management roles for the regional credit counseling organization in St. Louis. She was responsible for counseling and education content, including community and client education efforts, as well as public relations. While at the organization, she directed the development of numerous award-winning educational materials, websites, and financial capability campaigns, including the development of the Council for Economic Education’s K-12 Personal Finance Economics curriculum, now known as Financial Fitness for Life.
Jacobson has served on the University of Missouri’s Department of Personal Financial Planning Advisory Board and the St. Louis Area Board of the Missouri Council on Economic Education. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and an M.Ed. from Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
Nancy Young Scheberle, program coordinator
Before joining the University as an employee in 2010, Nancy was in the marketing and communications field. She has extensive experience in account/production coordination, as well as office management.
She is the program coordinator for the Student Loan Debt Counseling program at CEFC.
Nancy is an active member of her community, serving as a volleyball coach and volleyball director at her child’s school, as well as volunteering for Gateway Pet Guardian, a local animal rescue organization.