
Common Searches


sl: 1/00/...Printed and Duplicated Material
sl: 1/1/... Academic Affairs
sl: 1/2/... Administrative Affairs
sl: 1/3/... Administrative Services
sl: 1/4/... Admissions and Records
sl: 1/5/... Affirmative Action
sl: 1/6/...

sl: 1/7/... Alumni and Constituent Relations
sl: 1/8/... Budgeting, Planning & Institutional Research Business Office
sl: 1/9/... Career Placement Services (formerly Career Planning & Placement)
sl: 1/10/...Center for Academic Development
sl: 1/11/...Center for Metropolitan Studies (in Public Policy Research Centers)
sl: 1/12/...Conflict Clinic, Inc. (in Public Policy Research Centers)
sl:1/15/...Community Affairs, Office of
sl: 1/16/...Computing & Telecommunications, Office of
sl: 1/17/...Coordinating Council for Planning
sl: 1/18/...Counseling Service
sl: 1/19/...Environmental Health and Safety, Office of
sl: 1/20/...Equal Opportunity, Office of
sl: 1/21/...Faculties, Dean of
sl: 1/22/...Gerontology Program
sl: 1/23/...Instructional Technology Center
sl: 1/24/...KWMU Radio Station (see also publications and audio tape collection)
sl: 1/25/...Libraries
sl: 1/26/...Minority Affairs/Ombudsman's Office
sl: 1/27...News Services (SEE ALSO: University Communications in University Relations)
sl: 1/28/...Pierre Laclede Honors College
sl: 1/29/...Police, Campus
sl: 1/30/...Public Information, Office of
sl: 1/31/...Publications Office( (SEE ALSO: University Communications in University Relations)
sl: 1/32/...Research Administration, Office of
sl: 1/33/...Safety and Risk Management, Office of
sl: 1/34/...Student Activities, Office of
sl: 1/35/...Student Affairs, Office of
sl: 1/37/...Student Health Services
sl: 1/39/...University Archives
sl: 1/40/...University Center
sl: 1/41/. .University Communications (see also video collection and records; Office of Public Information
sl: 1/42/. ..University Relations
sl:1/43/. ..Veterans' Affairs, Office of
sl: 1/44/. ..Women's Center
sl: 1/45/. ..Human Resources (Personnel), Office of


includes the following:
sl: 1/46/. ..Cultural Affairs, Assistant to the Chancellor
sl: 1/48/. ..Public Affairs, Assistant to the Chancellor for
sl: 1/51/. ..Special Assistant to the Chancellor

sl: 1/53/. ..Assistant to Chancellor
sl: 1/54/...Deputy Assistant to Chancellor

sl: 1/47/. ..Exhibits and Collections, Office of
sl: 1/49/. ..Special Events, Office of
sl: 1/50/. ..Cashier's Office
sl: 1/52/. ..Reserve Officer Training Corps (R.O.T.C.)
sl: 1/55/...Public Policy Research Center
sl: 1/56/...North Central Association Accreditation
sl: 1/57/...Sue Shear Institute for Women In Public Life