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Anniversary Educational Series

Welcome to our Anniversary Educational Series

The St. Louis Mercantile Library has served diverse researchers from around the world for over 175 years. We celebrate that legacy through our Anniversary Educational Series. We built this program as a tool for students to expand their research skills and understanding of history. The program provides students with a virtual field trip experience as they are guided through a series of videos and assignments. This program aligns with Missouri Department of Education Learning Standards.

About the Program

The field trip is divided into three parts. It should take about 90 minutes to complete the entire program. In Part 1 students take a tour of the library, meet our staff, and learn about what we do. In Part 2 students learn what primary sources are and how they can access them using our digital library. Part 3 teaches students how to analyze primary sources by exploring themes in our collections relevant to their school curriculum. After students have watched the video presentations, they complete a hands-on assignment that empowers them to flex and test their new research skills.


Program for Grades 6-8     Program for Grades 9-12