The Path to Excellence Starts Here

The Pierre Laclede Honors College offers the perfect combination of a small, liberal-arts style college with a close-knit community, all within the setting of a large public research university. If you're passionate about learning and driven to succeed, the Honors College may be the ideal fit for you!

About Our College




Students in conversation 




What can the Honors College offer you?

  • A liberal arts atmosphere in a large university setting.
  • Curricular tracks for incoming 4-year students, transfer students, and everyone in-between.
  • A 14:1 student-to-faculty ratio.
  • Seminar-Style Courses: Small seminar-style, discussion-based courses that focus on writing and critical thinking skills.
  • Merit scholarships for most students admitted in good standing to the program.
  • Writing and participation intensive curriculum designed to engage students.
  • Internship and/or independent study opportunities.
  • Student organizations designed to encourage students to become involved with UMSL and the community.
Become an Honors Student

Ready to join the Honors College?

The Honors College has approximately 600 undergraduate students from nearly every major that UMSL has to offer. Incoming freshmen, sophomores, and first-semester juniors are eligible to apply.


Our College

Honors Students in class

The Honors College provides a unique learning environment that helps you individualize your education and take advantage of all a large university has to offer. 

Our Academics

Students outside at round table

The Honors College nurtures a warm and friendly atmosphere. Students in the Honors College know and support each other.

Our Community

Hear from our students

Bella DeArmitt

Honors Student and Newman Civic Fellow
Read Bella's full story on UMSL Daily

Student Successes


Pierre Laclede Honors College boasts an exceptional cohort of industrious and engaged individuals whose noteworthy contributions extend beyond the campus to the wider community.

Meet Our Students

Support the Pierre Laclede Honors College

By giving a gift, you provide funding for life-changing opportunities. Your contribution supports scholarships that empower deserving and motivated students to advance their education.