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Section 13 - Custodial Services (Housekeeping)

UMSL Custodial Services provides only the following routine services in laboratory areas:

  • removal of regular trash, and
  • sweeping and mopping of floors.

Custodial workers may not enter or work in a radioactive laboratory without a trained user present.

Custodial Services may also perform routine removal and replacement of the sealer on tile floors at approximately annual intervals. When this function is scheduled, the responsible Principal Investigator must assure that all physical, chemical, radioactive, and biological hazards are removed from the floor and from adjacent benchtops and similar locations where they might endanger the workers.

UMSL custodial workers are not to clean bench tops, sinks, or laboratory equipment of any type. UMSL custodial workers must never be involved in the cleanup of radioactive spills or other incidents.

Laboratory personnel must be aware that they must take every reasonable precaution to avoid inappropriate actions by any UMSL employees, including but not limited to the following precautions:

  • Use properly marked standard-type containers for radioactive wastes.
  • Immediately secure new packages within the laboratory by placement of the radioactive materials into a refrigerator, freezer, or other appropriate storage receptacle.
  • Perform a contamination survey.
  • Remove all related symbols and markings from empty radioactive material packages that will be discarded as regular trash.

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