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Section 11 - Radiation Safety Training

Regulatory Oversight

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) publishes NRC form 3 entitled "Notice to Employees". The poster contains legally required information that licensees must post in "a sufficient number of locations to permit individuals engaged in work under the license to observe them on the way to or from any particular work location" where the radioactive materials will be used.

The Notice to Employees is posted in public areas of campus buildings that have authorized areas for radioactive materials. It is a reference for workers rights and you should know where to find it. You can contact the NRC by calling the posted phone number or through their web page.

Laboratory Audit for Radioactive Materials

Your Radiation Safety Officer or his designee periodically inspects UMSL laboratories for authorized use of radioactive materials. UMSL's radioactive materials license requires that the RSO audit authorized laboratories to review the safe use and handling of radioactive materials. These lab audits are in addition to the inspections conducted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commision. Laboratory audits for use of radioactive materials can be either unannounced or scheduled. For example, security checks are routinely done unannounced to ensure that all radioactive materials are never left unattended or unsecured. You may even request UMSL’s Health and Safety Department to conduct an informal audit of your laboratory.

Records You Can Prepare Before an Audit

In addition to the authorization documents, you may prepare other items for inspection. You should have a copy of the Handbook of Radiological Operations in an accessible designated location where all lab personnel can reference the radiation safety policy and procedures. You should retain copies of surveys of equipment and areas of use (survey records must be maintained for three years). You should have account sheets and use logs which record the amount used per order. You must provide a list of all users of radioactive materials within your laboratory. Also, you will provide a copy of documented on-the-job radiation safety training to the auditor.


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