The Next Chapter Book Club


A book club for people with intellectual disabilities.

What is the Next Chapter Book Club?

  • Adults and adolescents with intellectual disabilities reading and learning to read, making friends, and enjoying a fun community gathering place.

How does it work?

  • Participants meet weekly for one hour at local bookstores, coffee shops, and cafés to read and discuss a book of their choosing.

Who can participate?

  • Anyone can participate, no matter their reading level or type of intellectual disability.

Who leads the book clubs?

  • Two trained volunteers facilitate each group. They include students, parents, professionals, retirees, people with disabilities, and various community members.

Why join the Next Chapter Book Club?

  • NCBC members have fun, improve literacy skills, make social connections, and take part in the community.

Want to join a club?
Want to be a volunteer

Deborah Baldini
Program Coordinator
NCBC Partnership of
Greater St. Louis/St. Charles
(314) 516-5911

Sponsor logos: University of Missouri-St. Louis, Down Syndrome Association of Greater St. Louis, Life Skills, and St. Louis ARC
Next Chapter Book Club Partnership of Greater St. Louis/St. Charles

University of Missouri-St. Louis logo

Continuing Education

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