
Common Searches

Career Services staff assist students and recent graduates with planning, creating, implementing and evaluating career development and job search strategies by working in partnership with employers and the campus community. We also provide numerous online resources to help students in their career journey.


Online Resources and Services

Focus 2

FOCUS2 is a FREE online career planning system that helps you understand who you are and connects this information to the world of work. You can use FOCUS2 throughout your academic years at UMSL. Prospective students and alumni may also use FOCUS2.

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What Can I Do with This Major?

Whether you’re exploring majors or searching for information about your field, this resource will help connect majors to careers.

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View online videos providing expert advice from leading recruiters, how to’s for all job internship search strategies, and guides to articulate your core competencies employers value.

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O-NET Online

The Occupational Information Network (O-Net) is a free online database that contains hundreds of occupational definitions to help understand today's world of work in the United States.

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GoinGlobal is an online resource that provides professional advice and employment information for over 28 countries and 40 US cities.

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Resumes, Interviewing Tactics, Labor Market Information and More

In almost every situation, these documents are the employer’s first impression of your skills and professionalism.

As you draft these documents, keep the internship or job description at the forefront of your mind. Make sure you emphasize experiences on your resume and personalize your cover letter so that they are both consistent with the skills the company is looking for in their next hire.


Have a big job or internship interview coming up and not sure how to prepare? Like any good athlete, you need to practice before going into the game! These resources are a beginning for understanding how to prepare. We can help more by conducting a mock interview with you and offering strategies for answering specific interview questions.

Employers are looking for UMSL graduates to be “Career Ready.” How do you become “Career Ready”?

Use the Career Readiness Checklist and Are You Career Ready? resources to get ideas for enhancing your skills and knowledge. (what’s written in bold will link to the two attached documents by the same name.)

Salary negotiation is one of the last steps in the job search process. It should not be an issue until the employer is ready to make you an offer, so don't bring it up during your initial interviews.

You should be well-prepared for the conversation of starting salaries and knowing the typical salary range for the position you are seeking is a first step.

  • O*NET: Interactive site for exploring occupational information.
  • Goinglobal: Professional advice and employment information for over 28 countries and 40 US cities.
  • Occupational Outlook Handbook: Profiles hundreds of occupations, including education and skill requirements, salary information, and job outlook projections.
  • MERIC: Missouri Economic Research & Information Center, the research division for the Missouri Department of Economic Development, provides a data driven site on Missouri economic indicators, industry studies, occupation studies, regional information and community issues.
  • MERIC Occupation Studies:  Gain access to Missouri occupational data, career resources, target industry real time briefs and workforce studies
  • Salary Calculator: Detailed compensation guidance offered by the National Association of Colleges and Employers.

Search the many resources listed below to find opportunities in your area of interest. Many provide employer research tips, on campus networking, and interest related job links.