Academic consideratons
What can my students do at MundoHispano?
Interview other MOOers
Gather information and write a report
for class
Hunt for new vocabulary or idiomatic
Build rooms in response to an in-class
Hold a party on the MOO, invite other
online friends
Start a MOOmail correspondence with
someone met on the MOO
Log their MOO sessions for later analysis
Design their own task
Keep a journal of MOO activities
If you're teaching Spanish in 2004 and/or
2005, contact Lonnie Chu at Syracuse
University to arrange times when our classes might meet.
To read a couple of papers by Lonnie
Chu about using MOO for foreign language learning, click
Commandments by Janet Cross and Kristian Fuglevik
See also: La
World Wide Web en la clase de E/LE by Mar Cruz Piñol, Universidad
de Barcelona