Chapter 39, Drill c: Practice turning an English verb phrase into a correct Latin verb phrase.

In the following Latin sentences, translate into correct Latin the English verb phrase in parentheses. Use subjunctive or indicative as appropriate, with ut or ne or cum if needed, as well as any pronoun or other element needed. Give verb last.

legatus milites rogavit (to work). Answer: ut laborarent, because it is a command expressed indirectly.
legatus milites rogavit (why they were idling). Answer: cur cessarent, because it is an indirect question.

1. Quintus nescivit (where his parents were).
2. coloni Octavianum orabant (not to take away) agros.
3. dic mihi (where you are going) [use procedo].
4. Quintus scutum abiecit (to save himself). [use servo]
5. cubo (to sleep).
6. philosophi rogant (what is) ius.
7. tribuni militibus semper imperant (not to throw away) scuta..
8. (Let's not betray) patriam!
9. milites rogabant (how many had been killed). [use interficio]
10. Quintus nescivit (whether [his] parents had died). [use morior]
11. nescio (whether poverty or war is) peius.
12. Octavianus agros ademit (to offer) eos veteranis. [use praebeo]
13. legatus militibus imperavit (to set out) statim.
14. te rogo (why they are following us).
15. nesciunt (why you are complaining). [singular]
16. nescivi (whether you would come.) [plural]

Go to the previous exercise.