Center for Teaching and Learning

Promoting Student Success: What would YOU do? A Quiz


  1. There are 3 weeks remaining in class and a student of a different race or gender than you, states that he/she is having a personal problem and would like to schedule a private appointment. You:
    • a. Say that you might find time to meet in about five weeks since you are so busy;
    • b. Say that you would be glad to discuss course content only, not personal problems.
    • c. See this as an opportunity to develop a more personal relationship and offer to meet the student after class, perhaps over a cup of coffee.
    • d. Meet with the student to learn the nature of the concerns and if appropriate, make a referral to a campus resource.


      Question 1 was written to encourage thoughts about appropriate engagement of students, boundary issues, and ways of helping students adjust to UMSL. In question 1 the student has sought counsel from the faculty about a "personal" concern followed by little information about what this personal concern might be. Choice "D" is the most appropriate choice because the faculty member took the time to listen and refer. Listening in no way means that the faculty member must solve the problem unless the "problem" relates directly to class. Instead, listening allows the faculty to gather enough information to make a reasonable referral and keeps the faculty member from misinterpreting students' behaviors.

      There are several support services on campus for students such as Health, Wellness, and Counseling where licensed psychologists and nurse practitioners can either address issues directly or can refer as needed. Other resources are Disability Access Services, the Center for Student Success and the Office of Multicultural Relations where trained professionals will also assess the student's needs and will work accordingly. Because all student service offices work with one another, they are comfortable in seeing the student and making further referral. The main point is that the student feels that the faculty member cared enough to listen and make a referral. Use the Student Planner as a resource guide to assist in making referrals. For more information go to: or

      A caution in meeting with students is to be aware of possible implicit messages. Meeting over coffee might be seen as more of a social engagement than a professional one so while showing concern, be careful to maintain professional boundaries.

      In some of the examples above there may be a need to give an incomplete grade. If an incomplete grade is given, a written agreement should be made with the student in which s/he acknowledges the work that needs to be completed and the time frame in which it would be completed in order to finish the course. A copy of the agreement should be submitted to your department chair so that there will be a record. Find an example of an agreement here:

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