Head in the Clouds Triptych

Three 11" x 17" Cannon Color Laser Prints, Matted 24" x 36"

© 1994 Dan Younger/ArtStuff

One day, I came across a photograph made of me and my family on vacation in Disneyland. Something about the way I looked in the picture brought up the phrase "he has his head in the clouds"-which was something my father used to say to explain any aberrant behavior on my part. At the time of that picture, I was reading a lot of fiction (mostly science fiction) and even when I was somewhere I was somewhere else.

I decided to make a picture that dealt with that time of my life. I found a small toy, a flat piece of plastic that had little space ships and spacemen printed on it that I had saved. Each individual ship or spaceman could be removed from the plastic, and I remember imagining them as real actors in my world. So I scanned one of the space ships and made a halo around the image of me at Disneyland. One I decided to use the halo, the triptych form became logical.

Technical Stuff:

This is an early image, done in Photoshop 1.0.7, so there isn't much interesting technique here. The background are from a collection of skies and ground photos I kept for this purpose. The Disneyland image was a b&w photo, so finding the correct hue to "colorize" the image was a bit of trouble. I think this brown works well.