
34" x 48" DisplayMaker Print

© 1995 Dan Younger/ArtStuff

At best, reality has always been a slippery issue for me. Early training for this came with making model airplanes. The fun was not in the construction phase, the fun was in the "use" phase. All the models that I owned were employed in sandbox daring do and backyard warfare. None of this display stuff. The process became one of "seeing" them as real. Which meant ignoring what reality didn't fit. (I think this is great training for artists!)

Here, a pilot peels off to join his companions. Note the great glue job on this model. No wonder I was always running out of cement.

Technical Stuff:

This was made entirely in Photoshop from three images on Photo CD - two were photograph s I made holding a model plane, and the other was a faded slide that my father made while flying over New York City.